Sunday, July 29, 2012

Wine & Wool Festival

Yesterday was one of my favorite fiber festivals of the year. It may be small, but it's so much fun! I think there was 17-ish vendors there this year.

So many of us vend together at other festivals so this is like a big family reunion. And we are all so completely different that we fit together well at a small event like this.

Last year the temperature was in the upper 90s and the humidity made the day nearly unbearable. With the weather we've been having this year I figured the odds were not on our side. Surprisingly though the day was only in the mid 80s and no humidity! If only the wind had died down the day would have been perfect. :)

The wind did like to blow things around and at one point sent one of the big black racks flying, but we pulled through and had a great time.

Here's some pictures for those of you that couldn't make it yesterday.

 Handspun Yarn!

A wall of spinning fiber!

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