Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tour de Fleece Days 1-4

The Tour de Fleece has started! If you aren't sure what the Tour de Fleece is, it's a spinning (as in yarn) competition that happens right alongside the Tour de France. A lot of people spin their yarn while watching the race, but unfortunately we don't get the race on our TV.

I have been spinning lots of yarn though. Over the last few days I've finished one yarn and started another. That's a big deal for me because I can never seem to finish a yarn in less than a week during other times of the year.

Days 1, 2 and 3 I spent spinning the singles for my very first ever 3-ply yarn.

Each one of those bobbins took me about 3 hours. At our house that was several episodes of Merlin and Star Trek.

Yesterday was day 4 and I finished the yarn! It's a rainbow gradient which means it starts out red and by the end it has gone through the rainbow and ended at purple. The colors do not repeat. The yarn weighs in at 3.95 oz., contains 341 yards and is about a sport weight. It's made from superwash merino, bamboo and nylon so would be great for socks or anything else you'd feel like not worrying about hand washing.

I also managed to start a second skein of yarn. This is from a batt that contains everything but the kitchen sink I think. There's alpaca, merino, silk, and a whole bunch of other things. I'm hoping to finish it tomorrow.

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