Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Introducing 2 New Hat Patterns ~ Bohemia and Ripley

We've had quite the winter this year. Being that this was my first winter way up north I wasn't sure what to expect, but it sure wasn't more than 330 inches of snow! That's more than 27 feet of snow!! Can you imagine it? I haven't seen my clothesline since Christmas.

Even with all that snow though, I loved it. I loved every crazy, snowy moment of it. It also made for lots and lots of knitting time. I finished so many projects and also started several new patterns that will hopefully be released in the near future.

The first of these patterns are 2 different hats that were inspired by the local ski slopes. The slopes were so much fun to watch, but I wasn't getting on the skis myself. I have a little thing about speeding uncontrollably down a hill.

First up is Ripley. This hat is a quick knit with chunky cables.

The second hat is Bohemia. While this hat is a little more complicated, it's still a super fun knit and looks great when finished.

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